Rachel House in Kinross is owned by the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS). The primary function of this charity is to offer their services free of charge to children with life-shortening illnesses and also support for their parents.
This barrel-vaulted fabric form ‘Jura’ from our pre-designed range, is suspended in a bird-wing style steel frame to form a striking entrance canopy. All the rainwater is collected and diverted to ground via the galvanised steel columns.
Silicon coated Glassfibre fabric was specified as it offers many benefits over its PVC counterpart. It displays a very high degree of translucency at 40%, a lifespan in excess of 30 years and is flame retardant to the highest UK standards achieving BS476 parts 6 and 7.
This canopy has been designed with the future in mind and as such it will provide this very worthwhile charity a high quality structure for the many years to come!